• 204 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: View of the resultsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Juan Camara 10/23/2023

    Dear Dr Charlie,

    We are modelling our province and creating different scenarios in order to compare the emissions between them. One of the scenarios is based on the use of electricity and hydrogen in the transport sector. Comparing it with another more unfavourable scenario shows the amount of emissions (in m3 of CO2) that would be avoided if we compare them with each other. But it does not distinguish between the two (see picture attached). Would it be possible to see how many emissions would be avoided separately?

    Thank you in advance,
    Best regards,
  • Charlie Heaps 10/26/2023
      Best Response

    Hi Juan,

    Yes - there are couple of ways you can do that in Results View. One is to show a "differences" format rather than an avoided format (#1). That will show one scenario minus another. Another is to simply plot the totals for each scenario on the chart legend (#2). But perhaps the best thing for you would be to show a composite dimension on the X axis showing years and scenarios together (#3). See examples attached.

    Tip: once you've created a chart with an arrangement you like, you can save that format as a "Favorite" chart using the Favorites menu. A favorite saves all the chart settings such as report type, axes, units, grid lines, differences, etc. although its values get updated any time a LEAP model is recalculated. You can also arrange multiple favorite charts for display in the Overviews screen.

    Hope this helps!

