• 30 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Nothing in "Output by Feedstock Fuel" since adding NEMO optimization to modelSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Paolo Cozzi 1/6/2025

    I recently added optimization to allow me to employ constraints (e.g. minimum share of renewable energy, etc.). However, now when I look at results, I get "no results available here" when I look at "outputs by feedstock fuel". I can get results under "energy generation" and "power generation" but that only gives me results on a per-generation technology basis, so I can't see how much electricity is being generated from solar, diesel, etc. Any idea what is going on here?
    Output by feedstock fuel.JPG
  • Charlie Heaps 1/7/2025
      Best Response

    Hi Palo - I don't have any immediate theory. Could you send me your data set backed up as a .leap file and I can take a look? Please email it to leap@sei.org. If its too large to attach, please send as a link via Dropbox, or google drive.

